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Sunday, November 19, 2006 @3:49 PM

ARGH!!! so mad!! i actually wrote a super long entry and it got deleted cos my IE crashed!! URGH!!

Guess i have to type everything again!

Happy birthday ryan!

Celebrated my 20th bday in advance ytd. i thot it was gonna be just geri and me but turned out she had a surprise installed for me! she came over to my place first to pass me my presents(a nike bag n m1 vouchers cos she knows i want a new phone!), then went headed down to holland v for our dinner. she brought me to this place called Essential Brews and its my first time there! and there the surprise awaits me. i followed her upstairs and when i looked ard guess who i saw? it was mike, det, javin and eugene! she actually planned a surprise dinner with my pals for me! haha of cuz i was surprised and thrilled to see them. even eugene was there, despite his exams haha.

So we had dinner there and of cuz it came with all the usual laughters, jokes and making fun of one another. john came to join us later too. and then geri dear had another surprise for me! a bday cake! Goldmine from NYDC, my fav! haha, she later told me that she had sneaked off to buy it while pretending to have gone to the toilet. i didnt even notice! haha..she's good. actually i felt odd to see only 2 candles on my cake. to be honest i wasnt qt expecting to see so few candles. guess it hasnt sunken in that im 20! no more a teen with many candles! haha..but yup, the cake was delicious. i bet detong agrees, haha.

After dinner, we went to look for a place to chill out and watch the man utd match. we settled at this place dat was actually a bit dark and kinda stuffy, haha. but the match was great cos man utd won! and it was funny to see how john was so worked up when ronaldo missed a open goal from half a metre? haha. After the match we concluded the nite and went our separate ways.

Wanna thank the guys...Mke, det, javin, eugene and john for coming down to be part of the surprise. was really great to have u guys ard. esp eugene who hasnt been joining us for gatherings due to his studies. and for coming despite his exams! thanks guys for the addidas vouchers too! definitely gonna go into my jacket fund haha.

And of cuz, a big thank you! to the lady who made it all possible! my super sweet, kind, loving, adorable, understanding, considerate, pretty, sexy, wonderful gf Geraldine Ho! she was the person who masterminded all these and planned everything! really loved the surprise, thanks baby! i really appreciate every thing that u've done for me(including the fact that u specially painted ur nails to the colour that i like for me!), im so so so lucky to have you as my baby! i love you! =)

Dinner with the guys n baby

Plus john now...

My baby and me!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 @9:57 PM

Gone absent for a while cos i have started work! yup, thats rite, i've started work last wed and tml will be the end of my first week! seems like qt a long time alr! anw work is gg fine so far. on my first day i was introduced to the photocopier and i was delighted to find that i got along with it very well! so on the second day the photocopier introduced me to his pals, paper clips and fasteners! if u havent already guessed, i did photocopying work on the first day and filing on my second.

Haha its not as bad as it sounds la, i was just thinking of funny things to blog abt at work. of cuz i've been learning to use their accounting system as well and learning to do all the work that my colleague does so that i can take over when they go for trg on the new system that is set to be implemented next yr!

So far no OTs yet cos its not the busy time of the mth. that wld be at the end of the mth when we are closing the accts for the mth and also the end of the yr which im pretty much dreading! anyway i hope work remains fine for me cos im starting to enjoy it. i think im qt a workaholic. cos i actually thot of OT today and i refused to go off until i finished what i wanted to do even tho they are like hurrying me to leave haha.

Oh just realised i havent really said what i was doing. im actually an accounts assistant at a German MNC dealing with precious metals eg. platinum, gold, silver etc. yup!

Monday, November 06, 2006 @5:48 PM

Met Geri on saturday night for dinner. We had a nice dinner at Spaggedies Paragon before walking ard to chill. we ended up at far east plaza cos i wanted to have Sweet Talk! thats where we sat and took qt a few pics of ourselves, haha...

dats my baby and me making funny faces! check out her metallic red nail polish! i think its kinda hot! haha..;)

Went out with mummy, sisinlaw, my 2 nieces and maid on sunday to town. had light snacks at a HK themed cafe opp bugis junction and dinner at Hans Marina Sq. the below pic was taken at Giant. what huge pumpkins they sell..

dats me playing with a gigantic pumpkin! of cuz i editted the pic by painting a face on it haha!

Gonna be going back to camp tml. Not really looking forward to going back camp, cos its so freaking far! haha..but on the bright side, im collecting my pink ic tml! yes!! finally the day is here man..i still rmb the moment on 8th Jan 2005 when i passed my pink ic to that guy at tekong when i enlisted into the army. so glad to have completed my full-time national service. it was filled with ups and downs i guess. pleasant and unpleasant memories. im thankful for the frens i've made tho, esp those in ocs. those frens i had were memorable. =) Anyway, back to the collecting ic part. i cant wait! gonna have to treat my subordinates and camp frens to pizza tml to pizza tho, cos i promised them a farewell treat, haha! Btw, im gonna start work on wednesday at my sisinlaw's company. so wish me luck as well!

Thursday, November 02, 2006 @11:14 PM

Went out to town with john and detong today. felt like going shopping with the guys. and it turned out qt fruitful for me! usually i dun really see much that i like, but i was qt surprised i actually found qt a few shirts that i like. all in all i bought like 4 tshirts and 2 accessories. at such great prices too! spent like close to a hundred, but thats cos the accessories are pretty ex.

After shopping we had dinner at thai express at paragon. den we went to balcony to have a few drinks to chill out.

I've decided to try to blog with more photos cos words just seem pretty boring. so i brought my cam out today and got some pictures!

dats john with an erm..funny looking hat! haha..thats at fourskin.

dats my pals..john and detty!

chillin' at Balcony

dats my newest bling! playboy rabbit! haha..

@12:17 AM

Feeling kinda lousy abt myself now..=S argh..!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @5:16 PM

Raining again..its been raining everyday havent it? the first part of the day usually starts with bright sunshine but it always ends up with lightning, thunder and rain.

Yesterday was 31st Oct, halloween! javin, detz, john and i met up in the evening for some halloween dinner. decided to eat at Changing Appetites and Marina Sq cos of the halloween deco of the place and ppl. the waiters and waitresses were in costumes and painted their faces with blood and everything. qt apt for a halloween dinner rite? dinner was qt alrite, rounding it up with a cheesecake each. then john went off to meet velle for Prestige while det, javin and i played pool. plus det and i actually completed the whole game of "Go! Go! Mile! Smile!". haha its some old arcade game that i thot only i played, and det thot only he played. was surprised at each other cos its some really kiddish game, haha! we finished top of the hall of fame! but thats only cos i bet we're the only ppl who played it all week, lolx!

Despite of the constant rain, i managed to go for a swim the past 2 days! haha, and managed to soak some rays. detz came over early in the morning today and we went to the gym before hitting the pool. it was then still bright and sunny. following that we both had pastamania at westmall for lunch. my fav eating place no less! then we just walked ard westmall and bought some things before gg home.

No plans for tonight. thot of gg mambo but seems like nobody else is going. everyone is having exams or working or smt! i dun mind just chilling out at a bar some where. cld use some martinis or smt. its been such a long time since i had a night out!

Hmm guess im gonna slp now...just in case, haha.



.make life count.

& in dA house




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